“Little Britain USA” Giveaway

Many a British TV hit has been popularized over here on our side of the pond, often after receiving a dose of the less dry American humor (think “The Office,” “Sanford and Son” and “Who’s Line Is It Anyway?”). Poised to be the big Brit-cum-American hit show is HBO’s “Little Britain USA.” Check out the preview trailer:

Carol flash drive

The smash hit BBC comedy series “Little Britain” created by Matt Lucas and David Walliams, who both write and star, will debut in the US Sunday, September 28th on HBO, following “Entourage”at 10:30PM.

Characters old and new will be featured on the American adaption. Returning favorites include Dafydd Thomas, the self-proclaimed “only gay in the village”; Emily Howard, an awkward and obvious cross-dresser in denial; Lou and his seemingly wheelchair-bound best friend Andy; Marjorie Dawes, the insensitive leader of a chapter of the weight-loss support group FatFighters; Vicky Pollard (video below), a motormouthed teenage delinquent with a terrible attitude; Harvey, a young adult who still craves his mother’s “bitty”; Sebastian Love, the British prime minister, who has “amorous” feelings towards his U.S. counterpart; and Carol Beer (video below), a hospital receptionist who always follows the rules.

Vicky flash drive

Vicky flash drive

Among the new characters on the show are Bing Gordyn, the eighth astronaut to go to the moon; Phyllis, who is powerless to ignore suggestions from the manipulative and dangerous Mr. Doggy, her King Charles Spaniel; Mark and Tom, hyper-masculine gym buddies who will do anything for each other; Mildred, who shares wildly inappropriate secrets from her shocking past with her grandson Connor; Ellie-Grace, a frilly little girl with the mouth of a truck driver; and Sandra and George, who have been married 40 “glorious” years.

To celebrate, the show’s arrival in America, PopWreckoning is giving away an amazing and hilarious 1 GB Mimobot flashdrives of “Little Britain USA” characters Carol Beer and Vicky Pollard. The flashdrives are limited edition and will not be sold in stores.

To enter, email Jessica by October 1st with how “Friends” actor David Schwimmer is involved with “Little Britain USA.” (The links below will help!)
This contest has been won.

Meet Carol:

Meet Vicky:

Little Britain USA“: website | fan site

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